I've almost reached the end of this exceedingly long project, and all I have left to do is document my final dinner.I decided on an Italian theme: a salad with an Italian dressing, spaghetti, and chocolate chip & orange zest canollis. I had initially invited some friends over along with my family, but they either got sick or had other obligations. So, I ended up cooking just for my family (yet again).I woke up early so that I could make it before I went to work. I used a recipe from food network(Alice Jo's to be precise), but in the ,my mom coached me through her famous spaghetti recipe. Here are some pictures of the prep work all the way into the crock-pot (once again, have you noticed that I've used that for almost every single cooking experience. It's because my mom is pretty much married to it and she's the one that's been helping me) for some simmering:

My dad wanted to see all the ingredients.

Keeping my fingers tucked in! I chopped those onions SO erratically, it was a mess.

A spoon in your mouth stops the crying! :) It works!

I had to break up the meat (with my thoroughly washed hands) and cook it with the onions (just like with the beef brisket!)

Into the crock-pot it goes, with all the homemade tomato sauce my parents make.

I thought this picture demonstrated my awesome handling of spices! :)

In go the mushrooms, yummm.

Taste test: it was DELICIOUS! I could have eaten it cold!After I had prepared the spaghetti, I moved on the the salad. I put in some cherry tomatoes, carrots, and mushrooms. This only took me five minutes.

And with the salad comes the vinaigrette that my mom always makes. It looks nasty when you're making it, but when it's finished, it tastes pretty darn scrumptious.

At this point I took a five minute break and cleaned up all the dishes/utensils that I had used. After that, I moved on to the canolli filling. I had to go to Hiller's and special order the canolli shells because they didn't sell them just by themselves.

The cream was delectable, if I do say so myself. :)Here's all the ones I made.

By this time, I had only ten minutes before I had to leave for work, so I quickly (and elegantly) set the dinning room table.

When I got back home (around 6) I had only a few little things to do. First, I put the pre-prepared garlic bread in the oven and started cooking the noodles.

Me cutting up the garlic bread.
I was trying to make breaking the noodles look cool so when I was pouring them in, naturally, they fell all over the counter. It was a moment of grace, that I made my dad delete.

And finally!!!! Here is the end product!!!!!!!!!!: (and that isn't wine in my glass it's cran-rasberry juice, because I love it! :) )

Yay! My final meal (for a grade)!! I really enjoyed cooking this meal because not only was it easy and fast, but I loved eating every part of it. This is a dinner party-worthy meal for sure! :) So, question number 2, the answer is YES I CAN!
PS~ Sorry this post is so long, I just wanted you to get the entire "final meal" experience from start to finish, so there you go. Next will be my final post.
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